2020 Year in Review

2020 Year in Review

At the start of 2020 we sought the Lord and felt Him put on our hearts the 3 Gs. Give, Go, Grow. As a church we set our plans in alignment with these directions and God directed our steps along the way.

Corporately as a church family we wanted to be intentional about the 3 Gs. God was speaking to us and it was our job to follow his guidance. However, like the people of Israel who had to paint the sides and tops of the door frames with blood so that the angel of death would “passover” – we too as individuals and families must take personal steps and responsibility to corporate guidance.

We make corporate (family) directions, but individually we must make personal decisions. Use the following questions that we asked at the start of the year and reflect if you have made a couple steps forward 🙂


  1. Have I been more generous with my finances?
  2. Have I been more generous with my life and actions?


  1. Do I love (actions) others more today than I did at the start of the year? a. Prayer,time, acts of love, service, sacrifice, etc.)
  2. Do I support the Lifespring Family more today than I did at the start of the year?


  1. Have I memorized – at a minimum – the three (3) church memory verses?
  2. Have I grown in my relationship with God from the start of the year?

Father God, as we reflect on 2020 we see your faithfulness. As we look upon 2021 we believe that you will still be faithful. You are such an amazing God. In our ups and in our many downs – You still love us, still speak to us, still guide us. And for that we are so grateful. Guide us in 2021 – as we Make Every Effort in our relationship with you. Amen