2022 – Year of Double Glory

2022 – Year of Double Glory

This past Sunday we had the privilege of having Grandma Donna come speak to the Lifespring family. A fitting close to grandparents’ month. She encouraged us and spoke prophetically into what God is doing in the house and where we need to grow to walk through the assignment.

Maturing Faith & Maturing Wisdom
As the family of Lifespring matures in our faith and wisdom, it will require journeying and walking together. Relationships that are not just horizontal, but vertical as well (generational). I have had the privilege of seeing many churches around the world. I have seen youth groups on fire for the Lord, I have seen the grandparent generation passionate for the Lord – but rarely do I see intergenerational churches. Where grandparent, parent, and children worship the Lord together.

At Lifespring, we have 3 generations seeking God together. That is amazingly special, a tremendous blessing. Let us continue to walk together generationally – For His Name’s Sake.

Lifespring Needs to be a People of Tenacity 
It is so easy to quit these days. When the going gets tough… just quit! This seems to be the new motto these days. Like Daniel who prayed and fasted, he would not give up on his convictions, he would not quit! Like Jacob who wrestled with the Lord – he would not let go of God until he was blessed!

In the days today and in the days to come. Standing for our convictions, hearing and believing what God is doing will take tenacity. Will take people of perseverance. Let us spur each other on and run the race – till the end – For His Name’s Sake.

Be filled with the Holy Spirit
The things God has done in our lives and the things God wants to do in our lives will require a continual filling of the Holy Spirit. God convicted me many years ago – if my relationship with God and the stories of His hand on my life have “peaked” already – then I have peaked too soon.

Here at Lifespring we share testimony and we reflect on how good God has been in the past. We do so not to relive the days of old, but to remind us that the same God is here for us today. We look to the past, to propel us into the future. For His Name’s Sake. 

Family of Lifespring, please take a moment to re-watch the wonderful video Laura put together to celebrate the grandparents – in that celebration we see many grandchildren – we see the future. Let us remember the past and have great expectations for the future!
