Posts from June 2024

Details And Love

When I read Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) this week, I didn’t know what to expect. Song of Solomon is a book usually avoided because of the explicit sexual references, but here I was, reading it for a group discussion. At first glance, it’s, for lack of a better word, eccentric. It’s oversaturated with metaphor and imagery, comparing the lover’s hair to goats, teeth to sheep, temples to pomegranates, neck to a tower, and I could go on and…

Nurture Family

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 As many of you know, we had our AGM this past Sunday. In addition to the necessary church business, I found it to be a good time of looking back on what God had done over the past year, while also looking forward to what God is doing. Most importantly, I truly think the presence…

Annual General Meeting 2024

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24 As we continue to mature as a church family, I felt the Lord highlight that we need to be focused on who we are – who God has called us to be: Kingdom Family: Genuine Love for God & Genuine Care for Others Many of you have heard from others…

Fathers Pray

On Sunday, we were blessed to receive a Father’s and Mother’s Day message from Siang-Yang. I guess we can skip Mother’s day next year and send out the link to Sunday’s message instead. I’m just kidding…sort of. (Gabe, if you’re reading this, think about it). One thing the Lord was speaking to me about on Sunday came from Joe Lee’s testimony. Joe Lee shared an amazing testimony of God’s faithfulness. In his testimony he made a comment about how amazing…

Praying No Matter What

Last Friday evening, WildFire went to SickKids Hospital… no, it was not due to a sudden injury or other health-related emergency. We went to pray. A concerned grandmother had contacted Rodney a couple weeks ago, asking for prayer for her granddaughter who was at SickKids. Being born with a hole in her heart, she had gone in for surgery to get it fixed. Unfortunately, there had been some further complications and one of her lungs had collapsed. That too had…

Led By The Spirit

It was such a blessing to have Dr. Siang-Yang Tan with us this Father’s Day weekend. To all the fathers out there, thank you for all that you do as dads. I wish you all another good year of parenting as we continue to learn how to be better fathers, mentors, leaders, coaches, and all the other roles we fill for those we love. For our Father’s Day message, Siang-Yang spoke on Romans 16:20, that says, “The God of peace will soon crush…

Love Yourself

I was at a worship training this week, and our leader said something profound. She said, “The Bible says ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ How do we love others if we don’t love ourselves?” This reminded me of Sari’s testimony. I loved the part at the end where her therapist asked “Would you ever tell a little girl that their emotions are too much, that they’re annoying, that she’s not loved and that she doesn’t matter?” When Sari said no,…

The Cross

Last Sunday, we got to hear from Pastor Suwit from Thailand. His message to LifeSpring was titled “Hope In Times Of Suffering.” As Jerry mentioned on Sunday, Pastor Suwit was not aware of our theme for this year being “Patient Endurance,” yet the Lord put on his heart to share a message that aligns so well with what God is doing in this church. One of the things that stood out to me in Suwit’s message was a simple phrase.…

Unified For The Glory Of God

It was a blessing to have Pastor Alvin share with us about his work at MissionGTA in the city of Toronto. For those who missed it, Pastor Alvin gave us insight into the journey that he’s been on with God over the past 32 years in the area of reconciliation and unity in the church. It began in 1992, when Pastor Alvin was filled with the Spirit, and continued all the way until today with God moving among the Brethren and Alliance churches, among…

Held in the Bigness of Love

“My God is so BIG! So strong and so mighty there’s nothing my God cannot do…” These are some of the words to a kids’ song I grew up singing – a song I’m sure is familiar to many of you as well. It goes on to sing about how the mountains and the valleys are God’s and about how the stars are his handiwork too.   Learning these types of songs at such a young age began to develop…

Hope In Times Of Suffering

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 This passage always bothered me. Though I read it with my eyes and brought it into my mind, it has always been a Scripture that never made sense to me. “Consider it PURE JOY… whenever you face trials…

Hope In Times Of Suffering

Dear LifeSpring Family, Yesterday, we had the privilege of hearing Pastor Suwit from Mahapawn Rangsit Church in Bangkok. One thing stood out in my mind was hearing Pastor Suwit reminding me that we can use time to get more money, i.e. work harder, but we cannot use money to get more time, i.e. live longer. Almost immediately, it reminded me of a multi-billionaire in the I.T industry who could not use his billions to “buy” more time from the dreaded disease we call cancer.…