Posts from 2024 (Page 10)

New Year, New Challenge

Last Sunday, we had our first prayer and intercession meeting of 2024. As we just started fasting together as a church family in January, it seemed fitting to start the year off with prayer. We had 19 people join us for intercession, which definitely exceeded our expectations for the meeting as we had to keep expanding our circle of seats as people joined! This was the largest in-person intercession we’ve had since the pandemic, so it was great to start…

The Gift of Patient Endurance

The theme for this year, 2024, is Patient Endurance. I’m not gonna lie to you and say that I was excited to hear about this year’s journey. I’m not too sure what it will all entail but it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be easy, nor does it sound like it’s going to be fun. When I was thinking about patient endurance, I thought about an analogy of what patient endurance may look like. Imagine on Christmas day you…

Starting Strong vs. Starting Slow?

In a time where loads of people are making resolutions for themselves for the new year, I’ve been finding that it’s really life-giving to… not. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve made plenty of resolutions in the past and have even managed to accomplish some of those goals over the years. I also have absolutely nothing wrong with people using the calendar new year to boost their journey of growth and self-improvement!! But this year, especially, I’m sensing a different focus…

It’s Not A Cost, It’s An Investment

A few days ago, I was working through university applications. Basically, you input your personal information, academic background, schools of choice, and supporting documents into the form. At the end, you get a summary of your application and fee. When I saw the fee, my heart skipped a beat. I’m not telling you what it was, but it was a LOT. I hadn’t even finished adding in all my university choices, and I was pretty sure that when I was…

Purpose 2023: Kingdom Parenting

When we talk about Kingdom Parenting we are trying to raise the huios (mature sons). Fully complete, lacking nothing. When we look at the ultimate mature son, Jesus Christ – we see a man who was raised and became a huios. He was one who did not just hear – He listened well and obeyed quickly. When we talk about Kingdom Parenting – it is not just biological children, it is the people God puts before us and care for.…