Posts from 2024 (Page 2)

Are You Being Buried Or Planted?

According to my friend google: Buried is defined as being placed or hidden underground, covered up or repressed. Planted is defined as being placed in the ground so it can grow, place or fix in a specified position. In this season of patient endurance, I found myself feeling like I’m being buried, placed under the many burdens and expectations of life while having piles of unexpected problems and circumstances thrown into the mix, to make for one heavy load.  Being…

Life In Seasons

Have you had an opportunity to read Perry Soh’s book, Seasons of Change? If you haven’t, I would highly recommend it! Elder Perry was one of the founding members of Lifespring, and he shares about the origins of the church and how his own life story intersects with the life of the church. It’s a story of God’s faithfulness, and this faithfulness continues today in the Lifespring family. As I think about the title Seasons of Change, I’m reminded of how life…

Patient Endurance – Waiting Well

The Book of Ruth has no supernatural miracles, superheroes, or VIPs; just normal ordinary people like us, going through the brokenness of life. It tells the story of Naomi and especially Ruth who face tragic losses and yet choose to cling to God in their desperate need and choose to remain faithful to Him. God on His part, shows Himself faithful to them through his providence, using natural, ordinary circumstances in His perfect timing to bring about His supernatural will…

Community In Prayer

One of the things I love about Intercession is how I get to know people more through sharing and being able to support them or be supported in prayer. Over the last week or so, I experienced three prayer moments that I thought I’d share with you. The first was when a lady at church looked at me and asked if she could pray for me. I had no idea why she did that, but she ended up speaking directly…

Church Outside The Church Walls

In 2012, the Lord put business in Karyne’s and my heart. I was about to complete my Master of Theological Studies and begin a career path as a pastor. But the Lord started putting business on our hearts! I was so confused. How could the Lord call me to ministry and call me to start a business? It didn’t make sense. But as we sought the Lord, as we sought council, and as we wrestled with these ideas, one thing…

Faithful Endurance

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard keeper. 2 He removes any of my branches that don’t produce fruit, and he trims any branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit. 3 You are already trimmed because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch can’t produce fruit by itself, but must remain in the vine. Likewise, you can’t produce fruit unless you remain in me. 5 I…

Don’t Get Bored Of The Basics

I heard a story about Kobe Bryant and how the majority of his training routines revolved around drilling down the basics. An interviewer asked him why the best basketball player in the league (at the time) was practicing the basics? He responded with a cheeky “That’s why I’m the best player.” As I gleaned at this inspiring story of mastery, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to have a similar mindset. As Christians, we often get caught up in…

Kingdom Family – Worth Fighting For

This week I have come face to face with the realities of how fragile a family can be and how quickly everything can be taken away. In a circumstance where a family has gone through infidelity (no, you don’t know them), everything that was so good fell apart in an instance. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” – Genesis 1:28 God’s assignment to man was to be…

Pray, Pray, Pray

It was a privilege to have Pastor Anita share with us on Sunday. For as long as I’ve known Pastor Anita, she has always stood out to me as an intercessor and prayer warrior. I think her message highlighted that well. Pastor Anita has prayed all over Asia, including in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, and beyond. She’s prayed in a Pagoda in China, in Chinatown in Singapore, and at a prayer mountain in Korea. And all that since 2021! While…

Flourishing In Our Self-Talk

I was able to attend the Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference with some of our shepherds last weekend, and I really enjoyed learning from a lot of great speakers and workshop presentors. One of my favorite workshops was “Flourishing as a Ministry Leader”. The presentor, Nicki Straza, defined flourishing as “the whole of yourself is doing well” and went over the different ways and aspects of us that are a part of flourishing and how we can take care of our…

In Jesus Name

In one of my classes, my professor shared a story about his experience with healing and deliverance ministry. He had worked with gang members and addiction in Asia, and his first encounter with demonic possession was with a gang member who was in rehab for heroin. The patient had more withdrawal symptoms than usual, and when the team started praying for him, he began to throw himself against the concrete wall. They had to restrain him, but they couldn’t seem…

Patient Endurance – Kingdom Faith

The Lord has been wrestling with my understanding of patient endurance. I naturally understood progression to be an increase in patience and an ability to have greater endurance. This seemed to be the most logical progression in growing in patient endurance. But as I was spending time with the Lord, I felt the Lord highlight that though physical outcomes are great – He is really after our hearts. As I continued to press into what He was saying, I felt…