Posts from 2025
Purpose 2025: Fruitfulness (Lifespring Family – Missions & Hope)
On September 12, 2021 a group from GAIN Canada came and spoke about raising funds for water wells around the world. They flashed a slide that went by quite quickly, but there was a slide that God highlighted to me and disturbed me for weeks. The following information was on that slide: Life is lost because of a lack of water. There are people all around the world who are desperate for water. I was reading 2 Corinthians 1 at…
Storms, Wind, Jesus, Waves. Wait, Jesus?
Uncle Jerry spoke this past Sunday on how taking risks is a part of fruitfulness. He mentioned how taking risks is the thing that elderly people regret not doing the most, with the second being not spending more time thinking about their lives. In some ways, taking more risks and spending more time thinking can be counterintuitive. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 2:25 (NIV), “Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your…
Fruitfulness And Risk Taking
Dear LifeSpring Family, As we prepare for an exciting journey of fruitfulness in 2025, allow me to share some thoughts with you from Matthew 14:22-33. And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. – Matthew 14:22-23 Fruitfulness often times requires you to “walk on water” towards our Lord Jesus Christ and take risks. “Walking on water” requires faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Faith requires courage, action and risk taking. Fear and doubts are the enemy of faith,…
Faithful In The “Little”
I was listening to someone share a testimony, and one thing he shared was about his training to be a bus driver. One detail the instructors were very particular about was following the dress code (shirt, dress pants and dress shoes) at every training, regardless of whether you were driving a bus or not. This rule was not always followed by the trainees as it seemed pretty trivial. After all, it was just clothing, right? The instructor, however, said that…
Seeds Of Faith: Intercession
As Ryan talked about the seeds of faith that have been sown and cultivated so that God can make them grow, I’m reminded of the seeds of faith in my own life that I have seen God grow. One of the seeds of faith that was sown and cultivated in me was intercession. Intercession has been a big part of my Christian journey at Lifespring and it was one of the first places I got to experience the presence of…
Deceitfulness Of Wealth
Rich Young Ruler 17 As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’” 20 “Teacher,” he declared, “all…
Fruit, Roots, Seeds and ???
Dear LifeSpring Family, I have been learning and reminded from our Sunday preachers regarding our 2025 theme of Fruitfulness. Andrew reminded us that if there are no “fruit” in our lives it may be because we have no “root” in our lives. Ryan followed up on Andrew’s message by saying that we need “seeds” in our lives from which “roots” can grow out from. Additionally, how we nourish and germinate the “seed” directly impacts the “root” that comes forth from…
2025: Patient Endurance, Part 2 :scream_emoji:
Fruitfulness immediately sounds better than patient endurance, and we each probably have an idea of what fruitfulness could look like in our lives this year. One of the things that stood out from the purpose 2025 launch at the beginning of December was this verse: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be…
Salt And Light
During one particularly busy week this past December, I had an opportunity to participate in three city events. First, Neighbourlink Willowdale had their annual appreciation event, where Gabe and I had a chance to chat with Lily Cheng, our city counselor in Willowdale who we hosted a bbq event with over the summer. Second, I got to be a part of Toronto’s first Christian Heritage Month Celebration, which was a worship and prayer event held at City Hall. Third, Lifespring…
Ritual Vs Relationship
My fast is not going well. My original intent for the fast was to wake up earlier to read the Bible and spend more time with God, but due to a lot of late nights with school and work stuff, I was waking up a lot later than expected. For the longest time, I was feeling very guilty and ashamed of myself. After all, I was doing the exact opposite of what I intended to do to fast. I would…
Whatever You Feed Will Grow
Just the other day, as I was leaving my parking garage, I came to a stop at one of the lights underground. I did what I normally do and followed the light prompts. The signal was red, so of course I stopped and waited for the light to turn green or another car to come in through the same exit. I waited for quite a bit and the light didn’t change color. At the corner of my eye I saw…
Seeds of Fruitfulness
As you may know, our annual theme for 2025 is fruitfulness. As I reflected on the theme of fruitfulness this week, the idea of seeds came to mind. In order to have fruit, you first need to have seeds. In fact, the seeds of a plant are all you need to know what kind of fruit a plant will grow. So in thinking about the theme of fruitfulness for the year, it is also helpful to think about seeds. In 1…
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