“… the LORD your God,…”

“… the LORD your God,…”

Dear LifeSpring Family,

I was memorizing and meditating on this verse in Isaiah 41:13 last week.

13 For I, the LORD your God,

hold your right hand;

it is I who say to you, “Fear not,

I am the one who helps you.”

And in just one verse, the Holy Spirit was teaching, reminding, and encouraging me of the truth, God’s truth. For starters, it is non-other than “the LORD” Himself that holds my right hand. And not only “He is the LORD”, but He is also “your (my) God”. If there is anyone that I would like to back me up in a tight situation like Covid or in any situation, it is “the LORD”. No one and no situation is above “the LORD”. And the best part is that because of the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is willing to personally be “your (my) God”

And what does He do? “the LORD holds your (my) right hand.” When meditating on this part of the verse, I had the picture of God holding my right hand with His left hand. Whatever situation I am going through, it even does not require God to use His strong right hand. God is saying to you (me), “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”

This reminded me to be aware of the “fear of fear itself.” And to replace this fear with God’s truth is Isaiah 41:13.

Blessings to all as we continue to “hide God’s truth” in our hearts/minds as encouraged by Patricia Koh in her Sunday sermon. God’s truth and words are a gold mine that never runs out of “gold”.