God’s Word

“And the words of the LORD are flawless…” 

This word, uttered by David in his prayer to God in Psalm 12:6, was so stirring I was moved to record it in my journal March 15, 2020. As a result, I heard the Lord’s response which I also recorded as follows: “Yes, son, you can take my words to heart. I will instruct you in the way chosen for you. I will teach and counsel you by my Spirit who dwells in you. Trust me for I am your God.” 

Have you ever wondered when reading God’s Word why the Holy Spirit would take the further step to emphasize a truth or saying as if it’s needed to make sure it doesn’t escape our attention? Look at the second part of verse 6 where these words follow: “like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.” 

Purified seven times! What more do we need to believe and accept what the Lord says to us through His Word? Especially during this uncertain period when the whole world has been so severely shaken by the coronavirus. 

Day in and day out, it’s Corvid-19, Corvid-19, Corvid-19 that’s occupying everyone’s mind due to the daily news appearing day and night on TV, in newspapers and social media. Never in history has so much attention been given to such a fearful threat to mankind. 

Yes, we must take the necessary precaution, as directed by our government, to “stay home, wash our hands, observe social distancing” to prevent further outbreaks and added workload for hospital staff and workers serving in essential services. Since no one is immune to this virus, it is understandable that fear can grip people’s mind in all age groups. 

In such a time as this, we must heed God’s Word to GROW our faith in Him; not to let fear creep into our minds but to trust in Him. Let’s together take to heart this word from David, the one who was singled out as the man after God’s own heart: 

“When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man (or disease) do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4; 10-11)