Let’s Stay Connected

Let’s Stay Connected

John 15:5 (CEB) "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can’t do anything."

Some time ago, I was driving to pick up food near a mall in Etobicoke. I’ve become so used to seeing this area packed full of people, all rushing around. I was a little caught off guard to see how empty the streets and parking lots were, that were usually so congested.

This crisis has pushed us all into a new and weird space. This much change, this quickly, is never easy. Some of us might be dealing with front line crisis work, disruptions with jobs, shutdowns, and huge amounts of stress.

It’s important now more than ever to make sure we’re staying connected to the vine. During storms like these, Jesus wants to be our anchor, even when the waves are smashing against us. How do we stay anchored in the vine and connected to Jesus? We’ve been learning many ways — Bible reading, prayer, worship, outreach, etc. I want to highlight Hearing God and listening prayer. We spent 2019 talking about Hearing God, and many of us doing Discipleship would have heard of tools like STAR and having written conversations with God.

All of these are lifelines for us, ways to get connected with God during these crazy times. Would you take some time this week to hear God? God wants to give life, and life to the full (John 10:10), when we put our ear to Him.

Listening Prayer Template
Please feel free to use this template to engage in listening prayer:

  1. Ask God to give you direction in “LIFE
  2. Tell Him that you are willing to do whatever He tells you – and mean it!
  3. Write down the question you have and ask God to speak to you as you read His Word (Acts 5)
    Question: How can I connect with you this week?
    If a word, phrase, sentence or passage seems to stick out, write it down:
    vs 3, …..
    vs 5, …..
    In listening prayer, after reading, as God to give you a word, thought, picture, or Scripture to either get direction or confirm the direction you think you’re receiving.
    K: I feel like you are asking me to….
    G: ….