Why Be Generous?

Acts 20:35 – In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (NIV)

Romans 8:32 – He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?
(AMPC – Amplified Bible Classic Edition)

Jesus said in Acts 20:35 that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” – Do you agree? Most people would think that giving away something means to lose it, never to recover. But God’s word says differently.

Proverbs 11:24 – There is the one who [generously] scatters [abroad], and yet increases all the more; And there is the one who withholds what is justly due, but it results only in want and poverty. (AMP)

In God’s kingdom economy, the more you give, the more you will receive. Yes, it doesn’t sound logical. However, that’s because we have lost sight of who God is. He is One who loves us so much that He gives, and gives the best.

Romans 8:32 states that God did not withhold even His own Son, in fact, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. He could have given us riches, high social status, houses and vineyards, and stop there. Thank God, He didn’t! He gives to the uttermost – His only Son. And the Son gives to the uttermost – His life. God is the supreme example of generosity!

As God’s children, we bear His image. Therefore, as we grow and mature, it’s just natural that we want to be generous, like our Father. An example is seen in Acts 2 where the disciples shared their possessions with those who had need.

Acts 2:45-47 – And they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing the proceeds with all [the other believers], as anyone had need. 46 Day after day they met in the temple [area] … They were eating their meals together with joy and generous hearts, 47 praising God continually, and having favour with all the people. (AMP)

Also, generosity comes from a merciful heart and it pleases the Father. Our Father’s heart is to provide for the widows and fatherless. As His children, it is a privilege to share in His work and heart. When you give to the needy, you become God’s channel of blessing to the less fortunate. This brings Him delight and He actually considers you His creditor! He will repay you with interest. And for sure, it will be a generous repayment.

Psalm 68:5 – A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

Proverbs 19:17 – He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the LORD, And the LORD will repay him for his good deed.
My testimony – During my early years in the Bible College, on one occasion, God told me to give my last $5 to a bereaved family. I struggled for a while, but finally obeyed. After the wake, when I got home, I received a gift of $25. (minus the principle, I received a 400% interest! 😊)

From my experience, it’s more blessed to give because being able to give is a blessing. Have you ever experienced a time when you wanted to give, but you couldn’t? I’m always thankful whenever God has supplied enough for me to give above my tithe.

While it’s more blessed to give, to receive at the time of need is a blessing nonetheless. I’ve been a missionary, raising funds for my ministry for many years. I’ve experienced many occasions of God’s blessings when His people gave generously to relieve my pressure of need. Because I’ve benefited from the generosity of others, out of my gratitude, I desire to be a generous giver too.

I also found that one doesn’t have to be rich in order to be generous. It’s a matter of the heart. Some of the poorest people I know are the most generous. A biblical example is the widow offering her mites (Luke 21:1-4)

In God’s kingdom, giving and receiving is a life-style. Everyone will be in need at some time in his/her life. When that happens, as we pray, God will send someone to meet that need. Once that needy season is over, this person could in turn bless someone else. So, we take turns to bless one another. A most recent example in Life-Spring is a group of ladies taking turns to cook meals for Brad and Lynn when their new-born came. This kind of giving is beyond dollars and cents. It demonstrates true generosity! (Good job, keep it up!)

A word about withholding, the opposite of giving and generosity.
To withhold is to refuse to give, or to hold back. (google dictionary)

When we withhold something, especially out of fear of lack, we are behaving like an orphan. An orphan thinks he cannot afford to give as he has to take care of himself; because there’s no one to take care of him.

A son doesn’t withhold when he sees a need or heard the Father telling him to give. Instead, he gives freely and generously because he knows he has a Father who will take care of him. And his Father is El Shaddai, the God of more than enough. Are you an orphan or a son?

Prayer: Father, thank you for your supreme generosity! Because we are made in your image, we are made to reflect your giving and generous nature. We ask that you mold us to better reflect this image. Shape our hearts, minds, and souls that we might learn to give as freely as you give. For you are a God who holds nothing back but lays down even your own life for us. Amen. (adapted from connectusfund.org)

Note: To give generously doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give beyond your means (unless you heard the Father’s direction very clearly). It means you are willing to give above a certain amount/level. And this amount/level varies from individual to individual. Also, generosity is not confined to money. It includes time, talent, gifts and other resources.