Live Generously Part 2

Live Generously Part 2

This past Sunday we continued our series on Living Generously. Whenever I think of generosity I always think of finances – but there is so much more than just finances!

Not everyone will have $, but everyone is given time. We must look at our lives and ask God if we are stewarding the time He has given us to the best of our ability. Sometimes it is clear when our time is being robbed (aimless social media, facebook, etc.) Sometimes good things are even time robbers (hobbies, busyness, work, etc.).

We must account for the time given to us – will we Live Generously with our time? Sowing into Kingdom activities? Discipleship? Memorization?

God has given all of us unique talents and gifts – including spiritual gifts. Do we steward our gifts to the best of our ability? Do we use our talents to serve others? Do we train and grow our gifts for the glory of God?

It is so easy to be content and satisfied – but God is calling the mature (Huios) to not settle, but to MAKE EVERY EFFORT. We must give our very best to the King of Kings

Where you put your Time and where you use your Talent is often where you will find where you put your Treasure. We focus and devote so much effort on things in this world (jobs, homes, investments, etc.) we forget that life here is but a dot in the line of eternity.

If our treasure is truly in heaven – we will find that our time and talents are directed towards heaven as well.

Lifespring, we are called to be a Kingdom Family. We are not to be just any family, but we are called to be a family that reflects the heart of Christ. Jesus gave up his life in the ultimate act of Loveā€¦ in a tremendous act of generosity.

May we live our lives in tremendous generosity – not because we HAVE to, but because we WANT to.

Father help us to live a Kingdom life. Where the world tells us to hoard, may be we be generous. Where the flesh tells us to hide, may we shine bright. God, you have called us to grow in maturity and we recognize that it is no easy task. We so desperately need you to aid us in this journey – be with us, guide us, direct us. In Jesus’ name. Amen