Our Response

As I was reflecting on the past weekend, God showed me a bigger picture of what was going on in the World and in Lifespring.

You see Lifespring has adopted a pattern of behaviour, when the world is in crisis, WE go to God in prayer and ASK HIM how to respond. A prime example of this was when we sowed into Compassion Canada Uganda ($6,000) & Operation Mobilization Greece ($10,000). The world was in crisis and the team responded with prayer first, followed by asking God how to respond as a church.

When the World is hurting and in crisis mode, Lifespring goes to God in prayer, not only contending for those who are involved but seeking out how to respond with the wisdom and understanding of God.

This past weekend we had a ‘Together For Good’ marriage conference. This conference was made available online for those who could not meet in person. The materials were bought and given to us by Dorothy & Jerry who are FamilyLife Canada affiliates. If you weren’t comfortable coming to the church to grab a booklet, Gabe & Jerry made arrangements to have it delivered to you.

Now I don’t want you to miss this but this conference was a response to what was going on in the world. It was no secret that marriages were being severely shaken by COVID-19. It was all over the news and we would hear stories about families and couples who were in desperate need for help. As a church, we decided to respond by lifting up marriages in prayer during intercession. After going to God in prayer, with the help of Dorothy & Jerry, Lifespring was able to respond by giving practical help and tools for those in marriages through the ‘Together for Good’ Conference, not only at Lifespring but made available to those who are in need.

Lifespring heard the cry of the people, took it to God in prayer and responded with the wisdom of God on how to help those in need. Can you see the pattern?

I am challenged to adopt this pattern of behaviour in my own life. When faced with a crisis, challenge, or difficult decision in my life, how will I respond? When the world and the people around me are hurting and in need of help, how will I respond?

My prayer for you Lifespring is to adopt this pattern of behavior for your lives. When we are faced with a crisis or know someone who is, would we go to God in prayer and ask him how he wants us to respond. The challenge is to not only to do it with the big things but also to do it with the little things in our lives. I pray that we would be people who would turn to God in the midst of a crisis and difficult situation. I pray that we would not only pray for ourselves but for those who are hurting in the world. I pray that we would have the eyes to see and ears to hear how you want us to respond. Holy Spirit lead us, guide us, and teach us how to pray and respond your way. In Jesus’ Name we pray, AMEN!

For those couples who missed the ‘Together For Good’ Marriage Conference and would like to attend the sessions or know someone who would benefit from it. Please contact Jerry for more info at: jerry@familylifecanada.com

Christmas Hope
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