Your Best

Dear Life-Spring Family,

I am still trying to process the very sad news about Jade’s passing away from this earth. As a father and grandfather, I find this recent event extremely heartbreaking.

I am not in Pastor Blake’s shoes and it already hurts too much. Please cover Pastor Blake and his family with your prayers. It must be excruciating for them.

This reminds me of Pastor Ryan’s sermon on suffering: Job never knew the reason or reasons for his immense suffering.

And as Pastor Gabe reminded us in his devotions on Monday
“The reality in the world is that there is a great deal of suffering. Take time today to pray for those you know who are in pain or are suffering. Pray for them by name. You may be the only person in this world praying for them by name.”

As I sat quietly listening for God’s voice, with so many questions in my head about the passing of Jade into His presence, I hear His voice to me, “Jerry, are you willing to give me your best, even when you do not have the answers?”

From Monday, November 30th, Daily Bread.

“At times, it can be tempting to give God our leftovers. We praise Him and expect Him to give us His all, yet we offer Him our crumbs. When we consider all God has done, we can rejoice in celebrating His worthiness and giving Him our very best.

By Xochitl Dixon”

If you wish to make a donation to help the many costs of this medical emergency on this young missionary family. Click the link below:
Fund: Jade Kenyamanyara Emergency

Pray Today
Take Heart