Take Heart

Take heart, Beloved.

Take heart in the midst of your struggles and striving.
Take on, instead, my burden which is light.
Take upon your back My yoke… Which is easy.
Take my strength and my support.

I am longing for nothing more than to be your everything.
Your everything!
So take all of me!
Take everything that is mine and make it your own!
It is all your very own!!
For we are one…

What is mine is yours and I long for you to extend all that is yours to me.
Of course it is mine already but I don’t do “take back”s…
I don’t pull mean pranks on you!!
No means no, and if you choose not to let go, then let it be so.
I have given it all to you freely and it is with freedom that you steward!!

Take responsibility!
Take courage!
We get to do this together.
We are one.

What’s mine is yours… all of it.
It has always been for you!
It has always been yours!

My victory and my joy; my attention and my delight!
My mercies anew and my grace that abounds;
My kindness and goodness, my faithfulness and love.

Nothing do I withhold from you,
Because you were made for me
And I am here for you.

Let this be your hope.
Let this be your guide.
Let this be your comfort…

Let this be the thing you wake up for and the thing that keep you going;
May it be that which brings you peace each night as you lay your head to rest.

Never have I left you and never will I ever.
Take heart, Beloved.
I am here.