Guard Against the Trap of Money, Sex, & Power

Guard Against the Trap of Money, Sex, & Power

Day after day you can read about people in the world who fall to the temptations of Money, Sex, & Power. But before we cast judgment on others, we need to be humble enough to recognize that we (the church) are also susceptible and at times look no different than the world outside.

Here at Lifespring we are called to be the Huios (mature sons) and as we mature we need to vigorously contend to be part of the solution – no longer as children and spectators on the sideline. We need to seek freedom and resist temptation – especially in the areas of Money, Sex & Power

Much is at Stake

  1. The Reputation of Christ and His Church are at Stake
    The church right now as a terrible reputation – if I wasn’t raised in a Christian family, I’m not sure I would want to visit the church – lets change that.
  2. The victimization of people is at stake
    When the world abuses money, power, and sex it creastes VICTIMS. When the church abuses money, power, and sex it also creates VICTIMS
  3. The loss of children, youth, and adults are at stake
    If a picture is worth 1000 words, then actions are worth 1000 pictures. How we deal with temptation and how we respond, our children will see and follow.
  4. The salvation of unbelievers is at stake
    When the church looks different from the world, the church becomes the light of the world
  5. The credibility of our morality message is at stake
    We have all seen hypocrisy and it burns us up inside. Let us not be like that.

Father God, as you have called us to be the mature sons you have called us to be part of the solution and no longer observers. We pray that we would be people who live by the Holy Spirit – overcoming temptation and resisting the enemy. Help us as we can’t do this on our own. In Jesus Name. Amen