Pray Without Ceasing

Pray Without Ceasing

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18–“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Near the end of one of Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica, he gives some good advice that is very relevant to what we’re going through today.

First, Paul encourages the church to “pray without ceasing.” We really are in a season today where the need for prayer is so great. Last Wednesday, during our weekly Zoom prayer gathering (intercession) we shared prayer requests with one another. We ended with a total of around 27 requests. Jerry also shared on Sunday during service that he knows personally of three families who have gone through terrible tragedies over the past few weeks, and are in dire need of prayer. I’m sure you may also know of a some circumstances personally or through the church where prayer is needed today.

Second, and in relation to this, Paul also tells the church to give thanks in all circumstances and to rejoice always. One commentary on this verse put it well: “Paul commands his readers to give thanks in the midst of all circumstances…. In every circumstance one can give thanks for hope in Christ that cannot be vanquished (Asbury Commentary). When we’re suffering or praying for others who are suffering, gratitude is often the last thing on our mind. But, it’s when we’re dealing with suffering and loss that gratitude and praise becomes so much more important. We praise God because we know He’s mighty to save, and we know He hears our prayers. We’re thankful that God speaks to us and is never far from us.

So as we pray and intercede for friends and loved ones who are facing tough times, we’re thankful at the same time that God saves and is already at work in people’s lives. And when we give thanks and worship God, we need to always remember those who need us to pray on their behalf.

So as Gabe encouraged us to do last week in his devotion, we need to pray today. Continue to ask God to watch over and provide for those who are suffering, especially in dealing with loss in their families. Pray for those you know who are struggling with sickness, or are caring for loved ones who are in those situations. Pray without ceasing–it really makes all the difference in the world.