Who Told You

Many of us have been challenged this year to Make Every Effort to grow in maturity. This challenge comes with many obstacles in becoming mature sons and daughters in Christ. It is the road less traveled but for those brave enough to take on the challenge, the rewards are generational.

I’ve realized that this journey has exposed me to many roadblocks and hurdles that either I’ve placed in front of me based on what I see and know or that someone close to me has, based on their beliefs and limitations. God has even shown me where the enemy has tricked me into thinking that this was a challenge not worth accepting or even worse, not being able to successfully complete.

God has challenged me in my making every effort by suggesting to me that maybe my limitations aren’t coming from something external but rather something internal. Take a look at this quote:

“Your thoughts become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your character and your character becomes who you are.” 

It all starts with our thoughts…

Ask yourself this question: Who told you? Like Who told you you can’t do that? Who told you that it was okay? Who told you it wasn’t enough? Who told you you weren’t enough? Who told you it didn’t work?

What started with a simple question of “Who told you?” turned into a freeing of the mind. A release from the shackles of a lie once believed as truth, and a transforming of the mind through the word of God. As I began to wrestle with the thoughts and beliefs that have shaped what I can and cannot do, God began to give me His truth.

The scripture says in Romans 12:2 NIV “2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world (that includes your limitations and what you believe in). God wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind (Through His Word and walking in relationship with Him) so that you continue to keep making every effort to grow in maturity. God’s word is powerful and God’s word is what you should put your trust in.

I just want to leave you with a practical tool you can use on your journey to making every effort to grow in maturity.

  1. “Think about what you’re thinking about”
    1. It’s easy to fall into the trap of negativity when we find we can’t do something or when we can’t see a way out
    2. But when you’re thinking about what you’re thinking about, consider the source.
      1. Is it from the Devil?
        • Is it a lie or half truth?
      2. Is it from a friend/family member?
        • Is it their belief and their limitations projected on you?
      3. Is it from Social media? 
        • Is it a reliable source?
      4. Is it from You? Based on what you see and know?
        • If you can’t see it, does it make it not true?
        • If you don’t know how, does it mean it can’t be done?
      5. Is it from God?
        • Did God say it in His word/Listening prayer?
        • Did He confirm it? Is there Peace?

So as you make every effort to grow in maturity in 2021, I pray that you would allow God to transform you by the renewing of your mind (as you read the word, let the word read you). I pray that you would continue to make every effort to grow and allow God’s truth to be Your Truth.

And as you memorize the memory verse of the month. Make that a prayer for your life:

Psalms 139:23-24 “23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”