God’s Business

Genesis 40:8 NLT
And they replied, “We both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.” “Interpreting dreams is God’s business,” Joseph replied. “Go ahead and tell me your dreams.

When I was reading Genesis 40, God highlighted this verse to me. To give you some context, Joseph had been thrown into prison for being wrongfully accused of trying to sleep with Potiphar’s wife. During this time in prison, Joseph was given Pharaoh’s Cup-bearer and Chief Baker to look after in the prison until Pharaoh decided what to do with them. Both the Cup-bearer and Chief had dreams with no understanding of their meaning, which caused them to be upset and worried. When Joseph saw that they looked upset and worried he asked them “7 “Why do you look so worried today?” 8 And they replied, “We both had dreams last night, but no one can tell us what they mean.” “Interpreting dreams is God’s business,” Joseph replied. “Go ahead and tell me your dreams.”

Now as I was reading Joseph’s response to the Cup-bearer and Chief Baker, one part really stuck out to me: “Interpreting dreams is God’s business.” I understand that Joseph had hit a point in his life where He recognized that the gift of interpreting dreams was not something that came from him but from God and that he needed people to understand where he was getting his interpretations from. But what really got my attention was that he said it was “God’s Business.” It got me wondering, what else is God’s business? And if some things are God’s business, then what’s our business? 

When I look at where LifeSpring is at today, I can see that God is moving and has been moving in and among us. I believe that a lot of what God has been doing has been a result of our obedience to what He has asked us to do and making every effort to do so. One of the examples I want to draw from is prayer and intercession. As the church family increased in its prayers and intercession, God has blessed us with the privilege to pray and the responsibility to intercede for the things and people that are on His heart. I believe that prayer and intercession are our business and the outcomes of those prayers are God’s. When we understand that the outcomes of our prayers rest in the hands of a Living God, who loves us unconditionally, we can come to His throne in boldness, in brokenness, and in love, knowing that He is LORD. 

There was something more interesting about Joseph’s response to the Cup-Bearer and the Chief Baker that I don’t want you to miss. After telling them both that interpreting dreams was God’s business, he said to them “Go ahead and tell me your dreams.” Joseph understood what was God’s business but more importantly he understood what was his. Joseph knew that his business was to hear the dream and hear what God was saying. His business was to relay God’s business to the both of them as he stood in the gap as the mouth and earpiece of God. Joseph took care of his business knowing that God would take care of His.

Earlier I shared with you the context of Joseph’s situation to show you that he was not in an ideal situation or living in ideal circumstances. Sure he found favour with God but he was still in prison. Remember Joseph’s interpretations haven’t gotten him in the best situations or favourable circumstances thus far, but that didn’t hinder him from doing His business so that God could do His. This will definitely be a test for most of us on our journey to making every effort to grow in maturity. Will our situations and circumstances propel us to do things or restrain us? Will we allow past experiences to dictate future outcomes?

So Lifespring, I ask that you engage with God the Father today. Through Listening Prayer & Journaling: Ask Him, What’s His business in your life? What’s your business? Ask Him to show you what you need to do or what you need to let go of, in order to let God do His business.