Grow in Empathy

This week during intercession, I had a vision that resonated deep in my spirit, something that I believe is a correction from the Lord and something I believe we as a family need to take heed.

Months back, I felt like God had put a bubble of protection around the Lifespring family. Like in the days of Egypt, though the plagues ravaged the land and Egyptians, the people of Israel were protected. By the grace of God, Lifespring has been very much protected in the midst of this global pandemic. Though there are still challenges, we have seen that we have been miraculously protected in our health, finances, and families.

In this vision, I saw people (representing Lifespring) standing inside the protection of the bubble looking out into the chaos and destruction that the Egyptians were going through. We were looking and simply observing the pain and suffering while going about our own day and tasks. Something in my spirit was unsettled.

The Lord then shifted the view to Moses, who was also inside the protection of the bubble. But instead of simply looking out into the chaos and destruction of the Egyptians, I saw Moses on his knees, hands raised high, and pleading for the mercy of God.

It was in this moment that God touched my heart and spoke, “Be like Moses”.

We are now in the 3rd lockdown in Ontario. There is a world outside the bubble that is on the brink of destruction. People are losing their livelihoods, people are losing loved ones, families are being torn apart…

God is not protecting us so that we can simply watch others suffer. God wants this family to be like Moses – crying out for the mercy of God on strangers, people who are different, and even our enemies.

As the Lifespring family, I want to implore you to be like Moses. Pray. Pray. Pray. Lockdown is inconvenient to us all – but that God for his protection and plead for his mercy upon others.

Father God, you are so good to us. We don’t deserve it, we haven’t earned it. Yet your goodness to us has and is forever. Forgive us if all we think about is how we are impacted by what is going around us. Forgive us if our minds and our hearts forget that we are protected by the King. Forgive us if we have become selfish. Today, we want to be like Moses. People who look at the struggle of others and it automatically causes us to go to our knees and pray. Break our heart for what breaks yours. Guide us O Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.