What is Faith? It is a term we use in our walk with the Lord, we know that it is important… but do we actually know what Kingdom Faith means?
Hebrews 11:6
Without faith it is impossible to please God…
As a church family – in our call to maturity – it will be impossible without Faith! We must throw off wrong understanding and begin to know and recognize true Kingdom Faith. This week we will explore some misconceptions and next week we will tackle true Kingdom Faith!
Let us first explore some of the misconceptions of faith
Faith is NOT ….
… a formula
Sometimes we add phrases and magic words in hopes that it shows and proves faith. For example, my entire life I would end prayers with “In Jesus’ Name, Amen”. To be honest, it signals the end and everyone else does it! Somehow, these magic works make the prayer so much more powerful.
But the reality is, when we declare “In Jesus’ Name, Amen”, what we are actually saying is “According to your will, let it be done”! All the words that we said before this phrase, we submit it to the Lordship of Christ – let it be done. In other words, not my will. But Yours be done.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen is not a formula to strengthen prayers, it is a statement that means my prayers – only your will be done.
… claiming a Bible verse
I know I have been guilty this. Picking and choosing verses that fit simply what I want to do. We just memorized a powerful verse.
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except for what is common to mankind. And God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bare. But when you are tempted He will always provide a way out so that you may endure it.
Does this Scripture mean I can go to the strip club, keep drugs in my pocket? Certainly not. That’s not faith, that is foolishness.
… simply speaking positive words
The world today has a message for everyone. You can do all things! You can do anything you want. You can be anything you want. You can identify with anything you want. Your body is yours – do as you wish. Identify as an animal. You feel like it? Go for it!
Though it sounds right, it sound encouraging, it sounds politically correct. Yet it is a twisted truth of the Scripture. The Scripture says, “I can do all things, THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me”. When God gives you and I an assignment, His strength is what carries us through. Moses delivered the Israelites from Egypt, Joshua conquered the promised land, Noah built an ark! But not by their own wisdom and strength, but it was Christ who strengthened them.
If you think you can fly, you believe you can fly, you feel you can fly, you tell yourself you can fly. When you try to fly. You won’t fly.
Simply speaking positive words is NOT faith.
… a tool to get what you want
Personally, also very guilty. Prayers telling God what I want, telling Him what needs to change. Prayers like:
a. Lord. Change my wife/husband
b. Lord. Change my manager/boss
c. Lord. Open up the leaderships eyes
d. Lord. Give me a good deal
e. Lord. Give me a great parking spot
These are not evil prayers – but they are prayers of children. When we look at Jesus, when we look at Paul, when we look at the Huios (mature). When they prayed, they prayed His will be done.
Faith is not a tool to simply get what you want.
In reading this devotion, reflect for a moment. Have you ever used faith in the above ways? If so, join the club. But as God calls us to be the Huios (mature sons), this kind of faith just won’t cut it anymore. Take some time today and just ask God to help the church and yourself grow in Faith.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.