During Intercession this past Wednesday, Rochelle led us in a time of reflection to refocus our thoughts onto God and share a testimony of what God has done in our lives. In my group there were many testimonies being shared of God’s goodness, His favour and blessings, breakthrough and His impeccable timing. But one thing that stood out to me during our time of sharing was this phrase that kept being repeated, “ONLY GOD.”

With every testimony, with every breakthrough, with every unforeseen blessing, the only words that could explain what had happened was, “ONLY GOD.”

I pray for those who are hurting, those who feel like their hope is lost, and those who can’t see a way out of their situation or circumstance. I want you to know that it is ONLY GOD who can heal us, give us hope, set us free and see us through our difficult situations/circumstances. I am reminded of the verse in Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) “11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” I encourage you to put your faith in God and seek His presence as our hope and assurance comes from Him alone.

Today I’d like to extend the same invitation of reflection, refocusing and sharing of God’s goodness to the rest of the LifeSpring Family.

My prayer for LifeSpring is that we would be a people who would testify to the world and say ONLY GOD. I pray that when we speak those words to others that they would capture the depth, the emotion and the experiences attached to the words ONLY GOD. I pray that our lives will be walking testimonies of God’s goodness and that we would give Him all the glory. May we never lose the wonder of how great our God really is. I submit this prayer in your son’s name Jesus, Amen!