Faith: Part 2

Hebrews 11:6

Without faith it is impossible to please God…

What is Faith? 

  • Kingdom Faith is hope and assurance that something will happen, though we cannot see it.
  • Kingdom Faith is trusting the one making the promise
  • Kingdom Faith comes from hearing God
  • Kingdom Faith demands obedience
  • Kingdom Faith ventures out though it cannot see
  • Kingdom faith knows that prayer is essential
  • Kingdom faith submits in obedience
  • Kingdom faith pleases God

Personally, faith was always just a big word Christians use. I knew it was a good word and something that we all needed in our journey with God. But as we look at the above list, we see that faith is so much more than just a word – faith is a journey.

The bottom line is faith can be difficult. Much of the above takes discipline, grace, mercy, and even courage. Yet without faith it is impossible to please God. As we continue to grow in maturity, the journey of faith will cause us to die to ourselves, die to our self interests and learn to think and dream the things of God. In doing so, sometimes what we sense and see will be scary.

Faith isn’t an absence of fear. Not at all. Faith is stepping out in obedience even if you are fearful of the results!

Is there something that God is asking you to do personally? In your marriage or family? In your church? At work?

Is what God is asking of you difficult? Maybe you are afraid of what will happen?

Will you obey, no matter the consequences?

These are difficult questions and challenges. But these are the questions we ask as we grow in faith.  As a church family let us not shy away from the challenges of faith, rather let us embrace it.
