God with Us

It’s always a blessing when Donna comes to speak to us! At our worship service yesterday, Donna came to encourage Lifespring with some of the words she’s been hearing from God. She reminded us that amidst all that is going on around us, we need to remember that Jesus is still with us. In the difficult circumstances we face and the very real challenges of daily life, we can continue to have hope stirred up in us because Jesus is here. All the promises of God’s word–healing, restoration, and peace–are ours because God is with us.

We’re living in an incredible time when God is on the move! But we also need to be aware of the challenges that the enemy places along our path to throw us off course. Difficulties in our relationships, fear, and insecurity can cause us to shrink back from God’s calling. A sense of despair and opposition can distract us and bring division. There are real challenges we face as human beings within ourselves and in our relationships.

It’s during challenges like these that we need to recall and renew our trust in God’s promises and the truths in places like Ephesians 1. God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3), predestined us with adoption (v.5), and redeemed us through his blood (v. 7). Paul prays that the eyes of our hearts may be opened to these things and that we would know the hope of our calling in Christ (v. 18). May it be so for the Lifespring family!

Donna reminded us to put on the full armor of God so that we can stand against the devil’s schemes (Eph 6:10-17). When the enemy tries to sow division and separation, we need to pray that our hearts would continue to be open to one another. May we never have hearts that are hardened, but live with hearts and hands and that are open and generous.

I encourage you to listen to Donna’s prayer and receive some of her words (find it here: https://youtu.be/M8OsE0IP3KY?t=6339). Laura’s closing prayer was also a blessing to many of us (find it here: https://youtu.be/M8OsE0IP3KY?t=7286). As we continue to grow in character and hear the voice of God, may we always remember to put on the full armor of God, and live with hearts that are open and soft to God and one another.