Make Every Effort to Know Who You are In Christ

Make Every Effort to Know Who You are In Christ

Yesterday, we had the privilege of hearing our Elder, Jonathan Koh, speak about the challenges of being in the world, but not of the world. 

There is truly a struggle in the world today figuring out “who am I”? As Jon transparently shared yesterday, one of his greatest struggles was figuring out if he identified as Singaporean or Canadian. Since he spent part of his life in Singapore and part of his life in Canada, he felt like he didn’t fit it here or there.

As Jon was speaking, God was reminding me that we are IN the world but we are not OF the world. Though we grow up in this world, become educated in this world, live in this world… this world does not have the final say of who we are. 
The world will tell us who we are, what we are to believe, what to fear, what to reject, what to accept… the world will judge and declare who we are! They even did it to Jesus! 

The people said to Jesus…

You are a bastard
You are Beelzebub
You are full of demons
You are a deceiver

Yet Jesus never repeated what others said He was, instead He proclaimed what He knew he was:

I am bread of life
I am the Water of life
I am The way
I am the Good Shepherd
I am the Truth
I am the Light
I am the Way
I am the Resurrection
I am the Beginning
I am the End
I am the Redeemer
I am the Saviour
I am the Lamb

Jesus spoke to Himself about Himself – he knew who he was. Let us be Christlike. Let us Make Every Effort to Know Who We Are… In Christ.

Father God, would you help us know who we are in you. May we listen to your still small voice and not the judgments around us. By the power of your Spirit, may we not just know the words, may we by faith… believe them. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Read the following out loud, because God is saying these things to you!

I AM a son of God
I AM a citizen of the Kingdom
I AM forgiven
I AM redeemed
I AM not condemned
I AM loved
I AM destined for great things