That Day Changed My Life

That Day Changed My Life

I remember the first time I ever heard the voice of God. It was a Friday night and Overflow (youth group) met in the church basement to do something called intercession.

Ryan was singing and we simply sat asking the Lord what to pray for or sang along in worship. I had no idea how or what to pray for – but I enjoyed worship, I enjoyed His presence, and I enjoyed the friends around me.

In the midst of worship, I had a strange thought come to mind (I don’t remember the exact thought) but it was along the lines of “God wants us to know He is proud of us and to pray for others”. The thought was definitely not something I personally would ever think of. It was strange hearing it in my head because it was my own voice, but it wasn’t something that would come from “me”. So I did what I thought best to do. Say and do nothing.

Within 2 minutes, Ryan, who was sitting next to me on the left, stopped and spoke to the group, “I feel like God wants us to know He is proud of us and to pray for others”. The exact thought that I had in my mind was the exact words that came out of Ryan’s mouth.

That day changed my life.

Today, hearing God and listening prayer (seeking direction), has become a part of daily life. Whether you are working on hearing God, listening to Him 1/3/5 x a week, daily… the journey in Hearing God can and will change your life.

Consider joining us tonight for intercession as we simply ask God to speak. Maybe its the day you can look back and say, “that day changed my life”.

Father God, thank you for taking the Lifespring family on a journey of Hearing your voice. I pray that we would be a people whose reputation is that we Love God & Love Others and are always seeking you. We recognize that in our family everyone is on the journey of hearing you – some new and some for many years – I pray that no matter where we are we would grow and discern to hear from you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.