Fan the Flame

Hebrews 12:1-2 ” And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

It was great to have Uncle Perry speak to us on Sunday! I certainly felt affirmed, encouraged, and inspired by his sharing. There was one part of his message that especially caught my attention and got me thinking.

Uncle Perry shared a verse with us that he heard from God many years ago. In the early 2000s, the young people had gathered for worship one night. Uncle Perry got this verse for us, from 2 Timothy 1:6, “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God.” Last Sunday, Uncle Perry reminded us of that word he received so many years ago. He said, “You fan the flame, so that the fire doesn’t die out. I think that’s what God wants me to remind you today. Do not let the flame of the Spirit die out, but keep fanning it” (listen to that part here:

We all go through different seasons in life and in our relationship with God. To use the flame image from Hebrews, sometimes our flame is high and burning bright. We feel passionate for God and inspired. I think of the mission trips where we’ve had the privilege of speaking to people in Kenora, Uganda, Alaska, and other places. In Uganda, the flame was burning so high that people were talking about moving to Africa! Those moments are precious and life-changing.

But there are also seasons when our flame is low. I think of the pandemic and the stress it’s put on us. For some time, we weren’t even able to see others in person. It’s times like these when our flame can get low. We feel exhausted and drained from the prolonged stress. It may feel like nothing can change and there is little light at the end of the tunnel.

When our flame gets low, it’s important to remember verses like Hebrews 12:1-2. Journeying with God and with a spiritual family will have its ups and downs. There are moments when we’ll feel inspired and energized to worship, spend time with God, and serve. But there are also moments when we won’t feel inspired at all. This is where Hebrews reminds us that the journey with God and others is a marathon, not a sprint.

In moments we lack inspiration and motivation, it’s all the more important that we learn to persevere. It takes little effort to fan a flame that is already burning high and bright. It takes much more effort to fan the flame when we know we’re burning low. But let’s take Uncle Perry’s word to heart. Do not let the flame of the Spirit die out, but keep fanning it. Persevere through those times you lack inspiration and motivation to pursue God. Make every effort. Perseverance is a characteristic of the mature, but it is not one that comes easily.

I hope that Uncle Perry’s word continues to inspire, affirm, and encourage you to persevere in the Lord. Keep fanning the flame of the Spirit, whether in your own personal devotions, discipleship, life group, family, etc. In this, we’ll learn how to persevere, and grow in this good gift.