Make a Difference

Over the past 3 months we have seen a dramatic increase in people who are in need! As we Make Every Effort to support those in need, sometimes I just wish we could simply do more. I wish that we could provide a special formula and all the suffering, challenges, and tears would simply be wiped away.

In our family, our aunt has had health challenges. As Karyne and I wrestled with how we can help, how we can make a difference – the Lord impressed in our heart to move our aunt into our home. We felt God was leading us to bring her into our home so that we can care for her and her well-being. We would be able to socialize, the kids would bring energy, we can make sure she takes her medications, and there would be great benefit for both our aunt and our family. So as we sought the Lord in listening prayer on whether this was the direction God was truly leading us… God brought to our attention the following Scripture:

2 Corinthians 5:1 & 9
For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands… So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are home in the body or away from it

Whether in physical or in spirit, our goal is to please Him. God encouraged us that we are to care for the widows (physically – by inviting her into our home), but more importantly God challenged us to be a blessing spiritually as well. As my aunt enters our home, will she be surrounded by His presence? Will we pray for her daily?

God reminded us that the physical is temporary, but the spirit is eternal. The benefit in the physical is nothing compared to the benefit in the spirit.

If you are in a position to help another… If you are trying to help another… make a difference. Help in the physical, but make every effort to make a difference in the spirit as well.