For His Name’s Sake

For His Name’s Sake

As an Eldership & Pastoral Team, we sought the Lord and asked Him what was His purpose for the Lifespring family in 2022. We felt God put on our hearts “For His Name’s Sake”. God has been stirring the hearts of the people over the past 2 years. We can see it in the start of the women’s ministry, the social justice group, 4 new discipleship level 1 groups, the desire to server at Pregnancy Care Centre, the birth of a food drive, etc. All of the above listed were not assignments and mandates given from the leadership. These were birthed in the hearts and minds of the people of Lifespring.

As God speaks, as new assignments and initiatives begin to take place – we need to be reminded and grounded that everything we do – we do For His Name’s sake. Everything that God puts on our hearts – it is simply to give God glory. Whether it is in our worship, our lifegroups, our workplaces, our parenting, our studies – everything and all things we do, we do For His Name’s sake.

In our journey of maturity, we recognized that God is not calling us to mature to simply get old. He is training and forming us for an assignment. It is our job to keep an ear to the Lord to hear the assignment. To hear well and obey quickly. 

To be honest with you, I don’t really know what For His Name’s Sake fully means. But I do know that God is moving us in this direction. As a church family I would like to encourage you to go in listening prayer to ask God – what does For His Name’s Sake mean for you in 2022.

Listening Prayer

Take a moment and ask the Lord a question – practice hearing HIM!

Step 1: Ask God, What does For His Name’s Sake mean for you in 2022?

Step 2: Tell Him that you are willing to do whatever He tells you – and mean it!

Step 3: Write down the question you have and ask God to speak to you as you read His Word (E.g. Colossians 4 – any chapter you want!)

Step 4: If a word, phrase, sentence or passage seems to stick out and speak to your question, write it down
vs 3, “….”
vs 8, “…”

Step 5: In listening prayer, after your reading, ask God to give you a word, thought, picture, or Scripture to either get direction, or confirm the direction you think you’re receiving

Bob: you want me to grow in patience? I don’t have time for that!
God: Now is a good time
Bob: …