Why Make Every Effort?

Why Make Every Effort?

2021 – Make Every Effort

Kingdom Family – Genuine Love for God and Genuine Care of Others

A warning that came in 2019 at the Family Weekend is that there is an enticing spirit that is coming against Lifespring. And although we have intentionally come up against this spirit (specifically Give in 2020 – decided to double our giving to many of our missionaries who have seen upwards of 75% drops in their donations), we recognize that the enticing spirit is not just about finances – it is also after our lives.

The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful.

Matthew 13:22

This year there were many reasons to worry about life (finances, children, government, education, sickness, business). The challenge with worry is that the more we worry, the more time we spend on the worry. The more time we spend on the worry, the less time we find ourselves with God.

I believe this is the enemies’ strategy with the enticing spirit. Good things are not always God things.

If you have said/felt/thought the following… you have been deceived – like I once was.

I do not have time to spend with God – I am too busy

Make Every Effort was and is never meant to be about earning through works – we are still 100% saved by grace. Our effort is not in works, but our effort is found in faith (hear, believe, obey) – this is expressed through love (trust in the one speaking – laying your own life down for His ways). We are saved through grace – 100% of the time. Do not even let a hint of “earn it” enter our mentalities. Like yeast, 1% can begin to take over the entire sum.

Make Every Effort is in line to how Church Renewal puts it – a HOLY DISCONTENT. A state where we are never satisfied with where we are with God – a state where we continuously remain hungry for more of Him.

As we transition from 2021 to 2022, from Make Every Effort to For His Name’s Sake, we are not closing the page we are continuing the journey of maturity. Let us grow together.