For His Name’s Sake

For His Name’s Sake

For His Name’s Sake, when I first felt the Lord put this on my heart, I thought it was a push to step up and do things with excellence. To spur us on to good works and good actions. To do everything with the intention of glorifying God – which, please do not get me wrong, I believe is part of For His Name’s Sake.

But when I dive into the Scripture, For His Name’s Sake is not used in reference to doing something mighty for God. For His Name’s Sake is used in 2 ways:

  1. In desperate need of God’s intervention
    David comes to the Lord in prayer and gives his requests to God – but his requests are not simply for his own benefit, but he recognizes that his requests are aligned for the glory of God – in other words, For His Name’s Sake.
  2. God Himself is Speaking
    God intervenes because God ensures that His word, that when He speaks, it will happen. Sometimes God intervenes and splits the red sea. Sometimes God intervenes and feeds 5000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves. Sometimes God intervenes and saves an underserving guy named Jerry, an underserving woman named Laura, even people who hate Christ’s wife – the church. God does the impossible for His promises and His Words to come to pass – He acts for His Own Name’s Sake.

God does what he does for his sake, not ours. He does not live for us – we live for Him. We often get this reversed. We think the world revolves around us and God is there to help us on our path. Yes, He always guides and helps. But God is always for all of His children

Jubilee says it well – we need to learn to think from the whole to the part. It is not about me. It is always about Him

When we receive a revelation that our lives are For His Name’s Sake…. Then and only then can we say what Jesus said the night before He went to the cross: “Not my will Father, but Yours be done”, also meaning – my life – weather I live or I die – your will be done. For Your Name’s Sake.