Love Never Fails

Love has been one of the most impactful things in my life, to the point that it has single handedly changed me and I will never be the same.

Growing up I never had a clear vision of what love was and what it looked like so I turned to places where Love was talked about openly – Social Media.

As a Church, I believe that we have developed a culture where love is second nature to us because of the many teachings and experiences of the Father’s heart in our lives. But we need to adopt that same culture in our own families so that generations to come will not just hear about love but experience at home as well.

It is not enough to just talk about love but we need to live out to those around us.

Growing up, I spent 5 days a week learning what the world taught about love and 2 days a week learning about what the church taught about love. The church was at a disadvantage learning wise. The church teachings would never mathematically catch up.

But let me tell you something, Love was not just taught, it was something I caught!

I might have been swarmed with the images and ideas of love for 5 days but in those 2 days I experienced a tangible love that cannot be taught by mere words alone.

When God said he Loved us, He didn’t just leave it there. No, he followed those words with action. An action that no human could ever make. An action that would cost God a son but gain a family for all eternity.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I want to leave you with this quote to reflect on in the context of Love:

“After it’s all said and done. Will you have said more than you have done or Will you have done more than you said?”

Father, I just want to thank you for your loving sacrifice that you made for us. A sacrifice that we could never make and that we could never pay you back for. I pray that we would not just be taught love but that we would catch it and not keep it to ourselves. I pray that your Love will be contagious and life changing to all those who come in contact with it. Help us to be stewards of Your love so that all can come to know you God. In Jesus’ name, We pray Amen!