Goodness of God

1 Chronicles 16:34: “Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his faithful love endures forever.”

Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been hearing testimonies from our speakers at church. Personally, I’ve really enjoyed hearing the stories of how God has worked in the lives of people at Life-Spring, and the different places we come from.

I think everyone in Life-Spring has a testimony to share, no matter what your background is. We all have a story to tell about our lives and the way God has worked in it. Maybe for some of us, at some point in our lives we were heading in a direction away from God. Maybe we were pursuing the wrong things in life, and it took God really stepping in to turn things around. For some of us, the story of our lives may be of God’s faithfulness and goodness, day in and day out. Maybe God brought us through some difficult circumstances, or guided our decisions and pointed us in the right direction.

What’s your story? What are the situations or circumstances where you’ve seen God at work in your life? Was there a moment you really experienced God intervening in your situation, when you needed Him to the most? Maybe you’ve experienced God’s love through a mentor, or through parents, or friends, etc.

Whatever your story is, something I think is true for all of us is that we would be in a very different place today if it were not for God in our lives. It’s only by grace that we are where we are today, doing the things we’re able to do. That in itself is reason to praise God! Part of why we gather on Sundays is just to give thanks to God and worship together, remembering all the good things God has done for us. We share in communion together every Sunday, in remembrance of Him–we remember all the ways that God has been faithful, though we didn’t deserve it.

Take some time today to think about past circumstances where God has intervened when we needed Him to the most. Thank God for His grace in our lives in all things great and small. Let’s never forget our own stories and how God has worked in our lives and been faithful to us. And if there’s a story you’d like to share with the church family, please let us know and we’d love to hear it!