Walking a Christian Life

Walking a Christian Life

Sometimes, being a Christian and following Christ can seem challenging. After all, being a Christian doesn’t mean we are exempt from the challenges in life. We still face the same struggles everyone else faces, whether it be stresses from school or work, relationships that are demanding or in conflict, or medical situations whether it be your own or your loved ones. It is easy during these times to focus on our own situation and not on who our Creator is. It is during these times that it requires us to dig deep and take that time with Him.

What is God saying in the midst of these challenges? What scripture should we be reading and speaking into our lives? How do we live it out? The walk of the Christian life is not easy but it can be simple.

First of all, spend time with God. Different people connect with God in different ways so find what works best for you, whether it be taking a walk in nature, listening to worship music, reading the bible, etc. Connect with Him and find that peace for in Matthew 11:28-30, it states “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Secondly, God has blessed us with a church family to walk with, grow together and keep each other accountable. Whatever we struggle with, ask around and see if there have been anyone who has walked through a similar journey. It doesn’t have to be the exact same journey as no one will completely understand what each of us go through in our walk with God, but as long as the principle of what we are going through is the same and it is a person who believes in us, that goes a long way already.

Third, live it out. We don’t want our soil to be a path where the enemy will quickly eat up our faith. We don’t want our soil to be on rocky ground where our faith is shallow and can be taken away by the enemy quickly. We don’t want our soil to be among the thorns, where we are enticed by worldly things. Let us build on good soil, continuously living out what God is speaking to us, while walking together with our brothers and sisters in accountability.