Am I Worthy to be Loved? YES!

Am I Worthy to be Loved? YES!

What a priviledge it was to have our Deacon of Technology, Nick Chua, speak and share with the church family. As Nick shared his life journey he kept going back to a question deep within, Am I Worthy to be Loved?

In the midst of youth and making bad decisions like being with friends who stole cars – am I worthy to be loved?

In the days of growth, graduating from University, getting a job, having a salary – am I worthy to be loved?

Whether we are in the midst of the darkest nights or in the experiences of the brightest days, without God there is always something missing, something unfulfilled, something off. For Nick, it was, am I worthy to be loved?

For Nick, his answer started to be revealed on a trip to Malaysia. He experienced a family that although not perfect, loved God. He found a family that was different than what he knew. That experience opened his heart just a little bit towards God – but God only needs a moment to change EVERYTHING.

Nick started to seek God and God pointed him to a church called MSBC (you may know it today as Toronto Lifespring). In this church family people began to encourage, influence, and push Nick to draw near to God. As Nick drew near to God, he found the answer he was looking for:

Am I Worthy to be Loved? YES I AM

God watched over Nick’s life and watched over him even when he did not know it. That same God watches over your life, your children’s lives, and your loved one’s lives. Keep praying for them – they may not see God in the moment, but know that He is always watching over them.

I am so encouraged that God chose MSBC to help reveal God’s heart for Nick. I believe God is not done with this church yet. God will send people to Lifespring, God will send people into your lives because the answer can be found through us. If we point people to God, God will point people to us.

I was at home yesterday watching the livestream sitting with Aunty Maisie (one of the original members/founders of the church) and as Nick was sharing his testimony I looked over and told her that Nick had somewhere to go because of you! She smiled and I could see such joy.

Lifespring, be a part of someone’s story, be a part of someone’s future testimony.