Christ Our P.I.A.

Dear LifeSpring Family,

“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.”

1 Corinthians 11:26

We thank our Lord Jesus Christ that while we wait expectantly for His return, we are reminded that He is our propitiator and actively interceding and advocating for us. While there is an overlap between an intercessor and an advocate, there is also a difference.

In general terms, intercession means that a third party comes between two others and makes a case to one on behalf of the other. Think of a parent interceding to a teacher on behalf of a child. While an advocate stands and moves toward the one party to plead the case to the other. That is what Christ’s advocacy is for. It is God’s way of encouraging us not to throw in the towel. Yes, we fail Christ as His disciples. But His advocacy on our behalf rises higher than our sins. His advocacy speaks louder than our failures. All is taken care of.

“Grace is a Person, not a doctrine.” – Pastor Joseph Prince, New Creation Church.