Mother’s Day Gift: Care

Mother’s Day Gift: Care

Today I want to appreciate all you moms out there. Physical mama, spiritual mama, soon to be mama, one day mama – I actually want to appreciate every female in this house.

If I ask you today why we appreciate the females in our lives – we could probably list 1000 things! We want to appreciate all the things you do – but not only do we want to appreciate the things our females do – more importantly we want to appreciate who God has made the female to be.

Genesis 2:18

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

A female is a helper – but let me get something clear for everyone. My initial (and wrong) thoughts when I think of a helper is that of an assistant. We often associate help with secondary status or ability – but that is simply wrong thinking.

If you ever need help, you actually need someone as strong or stronger than yourself

Many of you are aware it is tax season. I looked at what forms are required, I looked at what tax credits I would be eligible for. I looked at the deadlines. I saw what was required and I realized something. I needed help.

Realizing I am not the best person suited for the job. I sought help. I did not ask Laura. I did not ask Ryan. I didn’t even ask Jerry. I didn’t even think of Andrew. I immediately went to the person who I knew was best at this situation and sought the help of a certified accountant.

The accountant has studied, is certified, works on multiple accounts – has the experience, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom greater than my own! I sought help from someone who is stronger than myself in this situation.

In the very fabric of a female – from the beginning of creation – they are helpers. Never weaker. Get that out of your mind. A helper is just as strong or even stronger than yourself in certain areas. 

A helper makes you better.

Mother’s Day Gift: Care

1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you

Jesus Christ teaches us how to take care of your wife. The Scripture says that Christ is the husband and the church is the wife. He tells the church (us) to cast all of our anxieties on him – He says give it to me and I will care for you! I will care for you and I will not withhold any blessings and I will not keep secrets from you my wife.

What is care?
Caring is to anticipate a need and provide it for them right now

Males – I believe Christ is revealing to us how we are to loves the females in our lives. It is time we learn to care. Don’t wait or ask what they need. Anticipate it and fulfill it.

  • I saw your jacket had a rip – so I got you a new one
  • I saw that your coffee was empty – so I got you some more
  • I saw that you were stressed – so I booked you a massage
  • I know that you like a clean sink – so I washed the dishes
  • I know you hate vacuuming – so I vacuumed
  • I knew you would be hungry – so I cooked (or at least ordered food)
  • I noticed you were struggling – so I’ve been praying for you

We must care for our females from the heart, not from duty

I want to end this devotion with 2 prayers:

Prayer for Females: God cares about you more than you know. People will let you down. Husbands will forget. Children will you down. Friends will disappoint. But God will never. He cares for you and knows your every need. He loves you.

Prayer for Church: May we be people who genuinely care for others – not out of duty, but from the heart. May we grow in genuine care where we don’t join good causes (although good), but rather we simply live every single day of our lives consistently and constantly genuinely caring for others.