You Are Deeply Loved

You Are Deeply Loved

Dear LifeSpring Family,

A few months ago, I was at the autobody shop to get the side mirror on my car fixed. The shop came highly recommended. And it did not disappoint as I had a very good conversation with the owner, Jack. Jack like myself is an immigrant to Canada but unlike myself, he is not from Singapore but immigrated from Armenia.

Soon our conversation turned into spiritual matters and how he believes that God has guided and continues to guide his footsteps. Like many of us, he believes in giving back and being generous to those around him, especially those who need a helping hand. I then shared with him that our church also believes in being generous to those around us. In fact, among other things, our church put together winter and summer packages for those we meet on the street.

A couple of days ago, I returned to Jack’s auto body shop to give him several summer packages that our church had made. He was so delighted and excited as he knew several people that need and could have good use of them. He asked if our church information was in the packages. I replied that he could just tell the people that God’s people just wanted to share a little blessing with others. Jack was so touched and moved that our church just wanted to be hands and feet of the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and nothing more.

1 John 4:19 – We love because he first loved us. (ESV)

Well done, LifeSpring Family!