I had a bad day but I have a Great God

I had a bad day but I have a Great God

If you’ve lived long enough you know that bad days are inevitable. Bad days are the worst to say the least. They can send you down on spirals of negativity where it seems like there’s no turning back. Sometimes a day can be so bad that we start to question whether or not God had anything to do with it. 

Have you ever asked God this “God, why would you let that happen?” or how about this “God, if you really love me, why don’t you make it better?” 

Tough questions…

I’ve noticed that when I have a bad day, my mind starts to attach the day I had with who God is. I start to associate my day being bad with God punishing me or even worse God not loving me. But in reality the two may not be connected at all. Through trial and error I was able to see the false connections I was making and in an effort to capture my thoughts, I would say to myself “Andrew, Don’t do that!” This wasn’t me telling myself not to feel, no, this was me telling me not to put what I was feeling on God.

As humans, we do it to each other on an unconscious level. A prime example is when we are angry about something and we take it out on someone else. We are attempting to attach blame for something onto someone else but in reality they are probably far from connected. If we do that with humans, you can bet we’re susceptible to doing the same thing to God.

Using some self-talk, I try to reinforce this thought by thinking of how great God is and remind myself of all the good things He has done. It’s a fight, a battle in the mind, especially when your day wants to tell you otherwise but if you would just make the effort, if you would just make the decision, that God really is as Good as you say He is, then maybe, just maybe, you’ll truly believe it regardless of the day you have.

So just remember, you might have had a bad day but you have a Great God!