More like the Second Adam

More like the Second Adam

Dear LifeSpring Family,

Hearing Pastor Gabriel preached to us on Father’s Day on Sunday and reading his devotions this past Monday, challenged me to be more like the Second Adam.

Most of us are familiar with the story of the fall of the first Adam and his helpmate, Eve in Genesis chapter 3. From Genesis chapter 3, Dr. Robert Lewis reminded me of the lessons that I can learn from the first Adam’s approach/behavior to being a man, husband, and father. And how, with God’s help. I can do the opposite of what the first Adam did in Genesis chapter 3.

With the power of the Holy Spirit in me, I can

  1. Reject passivity
  2. Accept responsibility
  3. Lead courageously
  4. Expect the greater reward, God’s reward.

Dr. Robert Lewis also reminded me that in my daily decisions, there will be many instances where I must choose to “die a little to live a lot”.

While Dr. Robert Lewis was addressing specifically men, God our good good Father calls all of us who are in a relationship with Him to live our lives modeled after the Second Adam, His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.