Full Full

What a tremendous privilege it was to have our Board of Directors – Secretary, Mae Tuin, share with us this past Sunday. A glimpse into the lives of Dave & Mae-Tuin and the goodness of God that surrounds them.

As Mae-Tuin was sharing, I felt like God wanted to highlight a word for the family; part of maturity is responsibility. We become responsible over self and as God trusts, responsible to care for others. I truly believe that the assignment God has for the Church and our church family requires us to be FULL of the Holy Spirit. Not half full, not quarter full… FULL FULL.

Mae-Tuin shared her journey and wisdom on how we can get a step closer to that full full.

  1. Too Cautious
    Being full of the Holy Spirit takes time, takes risk, takes effort. We often face challenges with the negative:
    I can’t…
    I don’t…
    I’m too…
    I’m not…
    Being full of the Spirit means I can do all things through Him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)
  2. Too Care Free
    Have you ever travelled with someone who doesn’t like to plan and just wants to go with the flow? I am married to Karyne, so I have not experienced it, but I think it would be hard…

I love travelling with my wife because she is prepared and ready to go! She is NOT too care free.

We don’t know what life will throw at us. We often react to situations and desperately run to God when we need Him. Instead let us be full of the Holy Spirit – so that when the challenges come, we face it full of the presence of Him

  1. Too Complacent
    One of the greatest obstacles to overcome is past success. We see how far we have come, we are happy where we are, and so we simply stand still.

Maybe being good, and doing good, and going to church is good enough.

But God calls love laying your life down for one another. That doesn’t sound like half a Holy Spirit is “good enough”. Never get complacent with God, always pray for a Holy Discontent.

Lifespring family – let us live life, FULL FULL.

A Full Tank