Plow & Sow

We had such an amazing privilege to hear from 2 missionaries during our Sunday Celebration.

Mary Cho
A missionary to Sierra Leone who works with the blind and the deaf. She left Toronto (as a Durham teacher for 15 years working with the deaf) to follow where God was directing her. An amazing woman whose heart is revealed with every word (almost always quivering with love) – her heart cry is that though the world may have forgotten about Sierra Leone (especially the physically challenged), God has not forgotten about them.

Her heart cry is what God has put on her heart – Do Not Forget about Sierra Leone.

Carl & Rosy Wilson
Long time friends and missionaries of Lifespring, Carl & Rosy work closely with Iranian refugees in the Kitchener/Waterloo region. Their lives have always been for God, serving as missionaries even before I was born (1985)!

As Carl was sharing, he shared the stories of countless missionaries who kept plowing and sowing seeds – especially in the Middle East. The plowing and sowing of seeds often came with hardships and little to no fruit. But God kept sending missionaries to plow and sow…. plow and sow… plow and sow… and over time, seeds began to sprout. The Kingdom of God began to take life and from persecution, it led to a handful of believers, to a couple dozen believers, to a couple hundred, to thousands… God makes a way – because the Kingdom of God is unstoppable.

Church family, I am convicted. I am convicted that sometimes I give up too easily. I get frustrated, I quit, I complain… I give up. But God is not in the business of failure. He is in the business of patience, perseverance, and breakthrough.

Don’t give up. Keep on sowing, keep on plowing, keep on praying. The Kingdom of God is unstoppable.

Thank you Mary.
Thank you Carl & Rosy.
Thank you Alvin & Patricia.
Thank you Jerry & Dorothy.
Thank you Adrian & Sherene.
Thank you Noah.
Thank you Alan & Nechama.
Thank you Fern.
Thank you Lily.
Thank you Philip & Christina.
Thank you Yvette.
Thank you Ruth.

Thank you missionaries here and everywhere. Plow and Sow as God directs and may you see the fruit of your labour.

If you would like to sow into Mary and/or Carl & Rosy or any of our missionaries directly, please contact Gabe ( for details on how to do so.