“Ignite” for Jesus

“Ignite” for Jesus

Dear LifeSpring Family

By the time you are reading this devotional, we will have landed in Abbotsford International Airport, God willing. 

Dorothy and I are on our way to Power To Change’s Staff Conference. This will be the first time in about 4 years since we are together as staff of Power To Change. We are looking forward to reconnecting to over 500 fellow missionaries from all over Canada and some from around the world. 

I have included a picture of the artwork that was given to us on our recent trip to Singapore. It was a gift from one of Dorothy’s cousins and he titled his piece of artwork “Ignite”. When I first laid eyes on it, it reminded me of how God wanted me to live my life for Him. To be fully “ignited” and on fire for Him and towards others. Love God and love others. Yet not only me but all of us in LifeSpring and His church. 

Recently, I read an article from Garth Jestley that says:

 … some see the church as divided between those ordained for ministry and everyone else. In fact, one dictionary definition of layperson is “a non ordained member of a church.” Another is “a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject.” As a result, some believers think they lack adequate knowledge to share their faith.

In fact, the division of church members between clergy and laity is not found in the New Testament. Rather, it was invented subsequently by the organized church and today is present explicitly or implicitly in many local churches. Without belaboring the historical use of this terminology, it clearly has affected how many believers perceive their spiritual role and ability to credibly represent Jesus to those around them.” 

We are all called to “Ignite” – 1 Peter 2:9-10

We need all in Lifespring to “Ignite” for Jesus!