Goodness of God

This past Sunday as the mother & son combination shared (Lena & Andrew), it was such a joy to hear and see faith in the family. As Lena shared her journey of faith that God is good in the midst of great challenges – it takes great faith to hang on to God. Lena shared that she has a prodigal son (that many of us know and love) that is far from God – but a son that is still loved by the King.

Andrew shared on Sunday of the disciples fearing for their lives while on a boat in the midst of the storm – reminding us that even sleeping Jesus is good enough to have peace.

As Andrew was sharing, I felt the Lord highlight the response of the disciples. In the account of Jesus calming the storm, there are many miracles, healings, deliverance that occur before this challenge took place. The disciples have watched Jesus go into every town healing the sick and casting out demons. The disciples experienced the goodness of God over and over.

Yet, when faced with a challenge they have never faced before (nature and threat to their lives), the goodness of God was quickly forgotten. They panicked, feared, and became cowards in the face of opposition! And Jesus, in His loving kindness, responded again – with the goodness of God, calming the storm.

Personally, I want to be like Jesus. Truthfully, I am without a doubt closer to the disciples than I am Jesus. I have seen the goodness of God my entire life, over and over again I see miracles, faithfulness, His hand. Yet, it seems when new challenges come, I panic, I fear, I become a coward.

In the midst of this, God reminded me though – those same disciples that panicked, feared, and were cowards – they were the ones that became the rock on which the church was built, the elders of the early church, the people who spread the gospel, wrote the Bible, and became martyrs for the King.

In God’s goodness, he was patient and continued to nurture the disciples in their panic. He knew what they were becoming, not just where they were. God’s goodness did not give up on them.

Wherever you may be in your walk right now. Whether you have very little faith, some faith, negative faith… God’s goodness will NEVER EVER give up on you. As Andrew reminded us – “HE’S IN THE BOAT”
