
If you have ever had back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, leg pain, basically any bodily pain you know that there is much discomfort in your body. As I embarked on a journey to discover why my back/neck/shoulders were consistently a discomfort I found myself at a chiropractor.

After some x-rays, tests, and general ‘cracking’ – he told me that my neck and spine were slightly off and that an adjustment plan was needed. To be honest, I was a little bit pessimistic. But after showing me an x-ray of my neck position and that of an ideal one, there was clearly a difference.

My body was just SLIGHTLY off, yet the outcome was devastating to my body. The pain in my body did not just happen overnight, overtime my body started to adjust to the error in my posture and habits. Eventually those adjustments caused my body to bend and eventually break (the pain).

Revelations 22:1
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city.

As I was reading Revelation, God caused me to wonder – was the river made for the street? Or was the street made for the river? I felt God impressing on me that the street was made for the river.

We so often find ourselves trying to get God to be involved in what WE are doing, instead of simply building in what HE is doing. Even if we build slightly off from the path of the river, eventually the street will not have any river on it at all!

Just like a slight deviation in spine structure can cause great harm to the body, a slight deviation to what God is doing will find us away from what He is doing. And to me, that would be even more devastating.

Take time to re-align. Find God and follow Him. Don’t let it get to a point where pain is needed for correction. Align and flow with Him.
