Christmas Season

Last week, I had the opportunity to lead prayer for our weekly intercession meeting on Wednesday night. As I was doing listening prayer about where to focus our prayer that evening, my mind went to some of the events that Lifespring is involved in during December as well as some of the needs of people connected to the church. For this devotion, I hope that you can join us in prayer as we continue to lift up those in need around us this Christmas season.

First, Mississauga Lifespring is part of an outreach Christmas party in the Port Credit area on Friday (2nd), inside an affordable housing unit. If you happen to be reading this on Friday afternoon, feel free to pray for the event as it happens.

God, we thank you for the opportunity to serve others this Christmas season. We pray for every seed sown and every connection made with the people at the Indwell-Lakeshore Loft. We pray for those who attended the dinner, that they were blessed by the team and left with a clearer picture of who you are and your love for them. We pray for every family that was present, that you would continue to care for all of their needs in your goodness and grace. May this be a Christmas season where they know you better. Amen.

We’re also continuing to support the Neighbourlink food bank this December. Food bank use has been extremely high these past few months as inflation has made it more difficult for people to feed their families.

God, we pray for those families who will make use of the food bank this Christmas season. Thank you for Neighbourlink and their work in the Willowdale area among those who are in need of food support. We thank you for the opportunity to support others in our local neighbourhood. We pray for your provision for every family that visits the food bank. May you provide for their every need, and abundantly more. We pray that your blessing would flow into every part of their lives and in all their relationships. May your presence be with every person and family. Amen.

We’re also preparing Christmas hampers in the next few weeks through our life groups, to bless some of the families that are connected with Neighbourlink’s ministry.

God, we pray for the Christmas hampers that we are preparing this month. We pray for the recipients of these hampers, especially single parent families and single moms. We pray that these moms, grandmothers, or caregivers would experience your grace and peace this Christmas season. May your love shine brightly and may your presence be with them, even as they continue to face the challenge of being the primary caregiver for their kids or other family members. Sustain them and keep them during the difficult moments. May the gifts we provide this season be a reminder of your love. Bless every gift as it goes out to be a means of communicating your love and care. Amen.

If there are other people, events, or needs that come to mind as you pray for the items above, do lift those up in prayer as well. And as we look forward to 2023, we continue to anticipate ways that God will call us to be a blessing to others.