Kingdom Parenting: Caught not Taught

Kingdom Parenting: Caught not Taught

This past Sunday we got to hear from 2 people that have personally made a big impact in my own life. Joe Chong and Alvin Koh. They shared amazing testimonies and experiences of how God used people in their lives to shape who they have become today.

Joe shared of how Aunty Gracie would drive and care for him. She would make sure he knew that God loved him. She provided pastoral care and imparted in him how to be shepherd without even knowing it! Pastor Alvin shared how his mom would close down the business on Sundays because it was the day the family was to go to church. As I was listening to these amazing stories, I felt the Lord nudge in my heart an aspect of Kingdom Parenting – Kingdom Parenting is not just what we teach, it is what we impart.

In other words, the Kingdom must be caught, not just taught.

Over the past year as we heard testimonies from the people of God, you can see that Joe has played a big role in pastoral care. Some of you might be wondering, “How can this be? I didn’t know Joe speaks”! But as Aunty Gracie imparted pastoral care into Joe, as Adrian imparted the Father’s Heart to Joe – he didn’t follow a strategy that he read in a book, he obeyed the Holy Spirit as he caught it from those who poured into him.

Pastor Alvin’s mom imparted the importance of a Sabbath. Pastor Alvin caught it so well he became a pastor!

As we journey to be Kingdom Parents to all those around us – let us consider and pray that what people catch from us are good, Godly, Kingdom things. Will people know that we are people of prayer because we tell them we pray or because they catch it from us. Will people know the fruit of the spirit because we tell them what they are or will they experience it and catch it from our lives.

Kingdom Parenting is caught, not just taught. Let us engage not just thoughtful strategies, but the depths of the spirit as well.

Tonight is intercession – this is not meant to trick anyone into coming – but if prayer is real and important and we want to tell others how real and important it is… maybe, just maybe… we should do it to impart it.