Building Faith

2022 was the first year we have ever budgeted a deficit. We anticipated spending $75,000 more than we thought would come into the house. For all you financial gurus out there – that’s not good. For those who have no idea, it is not a good idea to consistently live at a deficit. In listening prayer and trying to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit – the Lord put on my heart the water wells. Thus, the 1st deficit budget at Lifespring since 2015 was born (budgets before 2015 are in paper format).

But God was speaking.

As food costs, supply chain issues, and inflation soared in 2022 – food banks across Canada felt the strain. People stopped donating to the food bank and government resource slowed down. Our friends at the 415 Neighbourlink foodbank closed its doors in July because there was just not enough resource to provide food. When we found out the foodbank closed its doors (Jon Koh) – I felt the Lord call us to attention. We provide water around internationally, will we provide locally – in our own city.

So Lifespring responded. We sowed $25,000 into the food bank to ensure that it remained open for the rest of the year. This was unbudgeted, this was an additional expense.

But God was speaking.

Let’s do some math: $75,000 deficit for wells + $25,000 deficit for food banks = $100,000 deficit. To add to this 9 leaders were stepping down in 2022. I had a moment – Gabe what are you doing?!

But God was speaking.

I believe God was building something in this family – something that we cannot work out like a muscle, something that only comes through God. And that is Faith

Faith comes from hearing God and

Romans 10:17

Without faith it is impossible to please God

Hebrews 11:6

Faith is hearing Him, believing in what He says, acting on your belief, and finally seeing His faithfulness.

Today we see His Faithfulness.

2022 Finances:

Tithes: $541,496 (up 10% from 2022)

Offering: $86,986 (Water Wells & Ukraine)

Total Giving: $628,482 (not including a 7% building fund return of $78,000)

Anticipated Deficit: -$100,000

Actual Surplus: $100,000

2022 was the highest total giving in Lifespring’s history (2015 onwards). 

I truly believe that God was building FAITH in the family of Lifespring. We heard the Lord put on our hearts to give internationally (water wells) and locally (food bank). We believed in what he was saying – even when we saw that these decisions would cause a deficit. We acted on our belief, sowing the finances. And today we see HIS faithfulness. What was supposed to be the largest deficit in Lifespring history became the largest surplus in Lifespring history (since 2015).

The finances and the surplus is amazing – but honestly, that doesn’t matter. What matters is what God was doing: building our faith.

I pray that corporately and individually we would hear Him better, grow in confidence in believing what He says, be brave in acting on our belief, and that we would see how faithful He truly is!

Faith is hearing Him, believing in what He says, acting on your belief, and finally seeing His faithfulness.