Satisfied or Stagnant?

Satisfied or Stagnant?

An interesting theme has been catching my attention lately… and of course, as the writer of Ecclesiastes would like to remind us all, “There is nothing new under the sun”.

And even though I know in my mind that what I’m observing isn’t anything new at all, the epiphany has been so deeply moving that if it had a smell, it would be that of a new car or the spring garden just after winter; it would look like a coat of fresh paint and would sound like the cry of a newborn baby…

… I think I might be getting carried away 😛

The Not-So-New Theme:

Many times, when we think we have simply settled into something (a job, a home, a relationship, etc.) we might actually be growing stagnant. And the space that separates those two very different things is not particularly vast.

This human, default response of ‘settling’ isn’t necessarily bad or evil at all. In fact, it can be a great thing to encourage in one another and a helpful goal to move towards in our own lives… finding satisfaction in life despite our circumstances can actually be a strength!

If we’re not paying attention though, the act of settling can give way to complacency much quicker than we might expect.

When someone becomes complacent, they might experience the same type of calm satisfaction one might have when they’re settling into something new (like a new routine or settling into a new home). However, when that satisfaction begins to hold them back from putting in extra effort or keeps them from wanting to grow, change or develop, I would argue they’ve officially hit Stage Stagnant.

I think one of the most helpful tools to wield in defence of becoming stagnant is discernment. Close behind it is community.

Discerning things on our own is something each of us is required to do, but when we’re beginning to reach the murky waters between satisfaction and stagnation, having others around to lean on is especially important! There are certain things we will never be able to see without the help of others.

Not only have I been noticing this in the lives of my friends, I’ve been beginning to see traces of this in my own life too…

We were made for more than settling for the status quo!

There is more to life than what we see before us or have grown accustomed to!

It’s one thing for us to find peace in the midst of the storm or to find joy in times of trouble. These are things that God has promised and demonstrated for us through scripture time and time again…

But it’s almost like we begin to mix up our Bible stories and figure that it’s time for us to take a nap in the boat while the storm rages, rather than allowing ourselves to be challenged to get out of the boat and walk towards Jesus.

The Lord always has more for us than we expect.

While there is always more work to be done, there is also always more rest to be had!
While there are more lessons to learn, there are also more victories to celebrate!
While more trials come our way, God has more healing and comfort to offer us…
And while challenges add up, so does the grace of God begin to accumulate.

And so, Lifespring, my prayer for us in this season is that we would truly be like a SPRING of water… that there would be movement and life being stirred up within us!

Water is literally a source of life, but no matter how good water can be for us, when it sits in one place for too long without movement or drainage, slime and sludge begin to grow, eventually making that water harmful to us.

We are not called to be a puddle!! Our name is not Toronto Bacteria Growth Centre or Mississauga Standing Water Fellowship!!

We are called Lifespring.

We have been called to spiritual renewal and to share the Good News of God with those around us! To love not with word or speech, but with actions and in truth. (1 John 3:18)

I believe that as God is calling us to begin sharpening our discernment and challenging us to examine our hearts and our lives, the temptation to snuggle up and settle in rather than getting up to walk towards Jesus will also begin to grow.

Some of us need to start emptying out “pools of standing water” in our lives… places/people/habits that were maybe good for a time, but have become idle and are actually beginning to hold us back from healthy living.

Some of us will need help from others to build in drainage systems to prevent further bacteria from developing.

Some of us will already have experience in this and will be able to support others who are just learning to spot potential puddles or problem areas.

More than anything, each and every one of us will need the Spirit of God to stir up the waters and bring healing and new life to our hearts.

As not-new as this call of caution towards complacency may be, God’s response of loving-kindness to his people is older still… check out what the Lord spoke through Isaiah and be encouraged as you persevere in your walk towards Jesus.

“But now listen, Jacob, my servant,
    Israel, whom I have chosen.
This is what the Lord says—
    he who made you, who formed you in the womb,
    and who will help you:
Do not be afraid, Jacob, my servant,
    Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

For I will pour water on the thirsty land,
    and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring,
    and my blessing on your descendants.

They will spring up like grass in a meadow,
    like poplar trees by flowing streams.
Some will say, ‘I belong to the Lord’;
    others will call themselves by the name of Jacob;
still others will write on their hand, ‘The Lord’s,’
    and will take the name Israel.

I S A I A H 4 4 : 1 – 5