The Blessing is in the Breaking

The Blessing is in the Breaking

We had the wonderful privilege of having Donna Parachin of Unstoppable Blessings come and speak to the church family. As she was preaching there were so many moments where the Holy Spirit gripped my heart. One of those “gems” as we like to call it on the Pastoral Team, is the line “The Blessing is in the Breaking”.

As Donna spoke from Mark 6 (feeding the 5000), the 5 loaves and 2 fish became a miracle when Jesus had given thanks and broke the bread and fish. It was in the breaking that the blessing was released. In our own lives we do everything we can to avoid the breaking. Breaking is painful. But only in our willingness to break is our ability to be a blessing. To be the Huios (mature sons) God has called us to be – we need to be thankful even in the breaking because of the blessing.

24 years ago I had a party where things got out of hand. Police came, the house was in disarray, and I broke my parents’ trust in me. That day was a very painful day in my life – it was a day of breaking.

Last night, 2 houses down there was a party that got out of hand. Police came, the house was in disarray (broken front door, back door, and front porch lights), and a young boy (grade 10) broke his parents’ trust. I can guarantee you that is very painful day for that family – it is a day of breaking.

In response to this party (I’ll turn the details into a message one day), Karyne and I helped the young man (last night) to safety (guided him to the police and back into his home), helped a drunk girl wearing a crop top roaming the sidewalks by giving her a winter coat and guiding her friends to bring her home, and even spent time with the child’s parents letting them know what happened and to reassure them that their son was not bad – he was in fact, very scared.

I believe that we were a blessing in a day of breaking for this family.

Donna shared a key point from the Mark 6 passage. After all that was said and done feeding the 5000, when the disciples faced a life and death situation on the Sea of Galilee… what was in the boat with the disciples was the leftovers from the feeding 5000 miracle. God does not just have breaking moments to survive, He is EL SHADDAI, He is the God of more than enough.

24 years ago there was a great breaking in my own life. Yesterday felt like redemption. But I believe I have got some leftovers from that miracle in my life. I’m not done being a blessing. The blessing is still inside of me and the overflow of that blessing is still in my boat (in my life).

Lifespring family – each and everyone of you are a miracle. God has met, saved, and healed you. God is not done with you yet – God’s miracle in you is inside of you and that blessing is in your life. You are a walking miracle, a walking blessing.

I pray that we as individuals and as a church will never again be afraid of the breaking. But we will live in thanksgiving because we are hopeful for the blessing. Amen