Gospel Truths

Dear LifeSpring Family,

As we get closer to Easter Sunday on April 9th, the most important event on our Christian calendar, it got me thinking of our Gospel truths. What are the truths that I believe and base my eternity on?

In his book, Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt reminds us of the principle of the “fruit to root and root to fruit”. This principle simply states that the fruit we see in our lives is directly connected to our root beliefs.

Easter Sunday reminds us that He’s in control and He really loves us. Instead of worry and stress, we can dig deep and really live into our beliefs and our roots as His child.

These five Gospel truths are the foundation of our beliefs that Easter Sunday reminds us of:

  1. Christ came, showing God’s Presence.
  2. Christ died, an example of God’s Provision.
  3. Christ rose again, an expression of God’s Power.
  4. Christ will come again, reminding us of God’s Plan and Promises for us.
  5. Christ has given us His Holy Spirit, who is His Personal connection to us.

I am praying for us that we would really know God’s Presence, Provision, Power, Plan and Promises and His Personal Spirit with us.
